Scale Factor of Barrel [US, dry] as compare to SI Derived Unit cubic meter is 0.115627124073 and
scale factor of Thousand cubic metre as compare to SI Derived Unit cubic meter is 1000.
To convert thousand cubic metre to barrel [US, dry] following formula will be used:
Conversion of Barrel [US, dry] to other volume Units.
barrel [US, dry] |
Other Units |
Converter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
9.3740433695316E-5 acre foot |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Acre Foot |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
9.3739890727035E-5 acre foot [US survey] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Acre Foot [US Survey] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.0011248852043438 acre inch |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Acre Inch |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+20 attoliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Attoliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.80744163699439 barrel [UK, wine] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Barrel [UK, Wine] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.70651143237009 barrel [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Barrel [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.98533724340408 barrel [US, beer] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Barrel [US, Beer] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.96969696969926 barrel [US, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Barrel [US, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.72727272727444 barrel [US, petroleum] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Barrel [US, Petroleum] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-10 billion cubic metre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Billion Cubic Metre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
49.000000000199 board foot |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Board Foot |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
6.3586028913308 bucket [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Bucket [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
6.1090909091053 bucket [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Bucket [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3.1793014456654 bushel [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Bushel [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3.2812194748758 bushel [US, dry] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Bushel [US, Dry] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
11562.7124073 centiliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Centiliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.031901041341937 cord [firewood] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cord [firewood] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.2552083307355 cord foot [timber] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cord Foot [timber] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+29 cubic angstrom |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Angstrom |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627.124073 cubic centimetre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Centimetre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.80296613939583 cubic cubit [ancient egypt] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Cubit [ancient Egypt] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115.627124073 cubic decimetre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Decimetre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.000115627124073 cubic dekametre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Dekametre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
4.0833333333413 cubic foot |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Foot |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-7 cubic hectometre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Hectometre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
7056.0000000012 cubic inch |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Inch |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-10 cubic kilometre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Kilometre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.115627124073 cubic meter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Meter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+17 cubic micrometre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Micrometre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
2.7740422185639E-11 cubic mile |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Mile |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627124.073 cubic millimetre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Millimetre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+26 cubic nanometre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Nanometre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+35 cubic picometre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Picometre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.15123456790151 cubic yard |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cubic Yard |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
508.68823130646 cup [Canada] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cup [Canada] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
462.508496292 cup [metric] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cup [metric] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
488.72727272843 cup [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Cup [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
11.5627124073 decalitre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Decalitre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1156.27124073 deciliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Deciliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
11.5627124073 dekalitre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Dekalitre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
31278.545454598 dram |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Dram |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
31278.545454598 dram |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Dram |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.578135620365 drum [metric, petroleum] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Drum [metric, Petroleum] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.55537190082776 drum [US, petroleum] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Drum [US, Petroleum] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-16 exaliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Exaliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+17 femtoliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Femtoliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
152.72727272763 fifth |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Fifth |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3909.8181818274 fluid ounce |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Fluid Ounce |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
25.434411565323 gallon [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gallon [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
26.249755799007 gallon [US, dry] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gallon [US, Dry] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
30.545454545527 gallon [US, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gallon [US, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
30.545454545527 gallon [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gallon [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-7 gigaliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gigaliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
813.90117009034 gill [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gill [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
977.45454545685 gill [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gill [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627.124073 gram [water] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Gram [water] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
61.090909413823 half US gallon |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Half US Gallon |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-5 hectare meter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Hectare Meter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073 hectoliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Hectoliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.40372081849719 hogshead [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Hogshead [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.48484848484963 hogshead [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Hogshead [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
25.434411565323 imperial gallon |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Imperial Gallon |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
2606.5454545487 jigger |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Jigger |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.115627124073 kiloliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Kiloliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.115627124073 kilolitro |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Kilolitro |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115.627124073 liter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Liter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115.627124073 litro |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Litro |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
15.01650961987 measure [ancient hebrew] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Measure [ancient Hebrew] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.000115627124073 megaliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Megaliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627124.073 microliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Microliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627124.073 microlitro |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Microlitro |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627.124073 mililitro |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Mililitro |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627.124073 milliliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Milliliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-7 million cubic metre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Million Cubic Metre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1953362.8082179 minim [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Minim [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1876712.7272769 minim [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Minim [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
115627124073 nanoliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Nanoliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
4069.5058504517 ounce [UK, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Ounce [UK, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3909.8181818274 ounce [US, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Ounce [US, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
12.717205782662 peck [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Peck [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
13.124877899503 peck [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Peck [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-13 petaliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Petaliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E+14 picoliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Picoliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
203.47529252259 pint [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Pint [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
209.99804639205 pint [US, dry] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Pint [US, Dry] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
244.36363636421 pint [US, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Pint [US, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.23550381079003 pipe [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Pipe [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.24242424242481 pipe [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Pipe [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3909.8181818274 pony |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Pony |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
107.06215191944 quart [ancient hebrew] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Quart [ancient Hebrew] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
100.98086012104 quart [Germany] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Quart [Germany] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
101.73764626129 quart [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Quart [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
104.99902319603 quart [US, dry] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Quart [US, Dry] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
122.18181818211 quart [US, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Quart [US, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.39741268070817 quarter [UK, liquid] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Quarter [UK, Liquid] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3909.8181818274 shot |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Shot |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.115627124073 stere |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Stere |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
7708.4749382 tablespoon [metric] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Tablespoon [metric] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
8139.0117009034 tablespoon [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Tablespoon [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
7819.6363636284 tablespoon [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Tablespoon [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
23125.4248146 teaspoon [metric] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Teaspoon [metric] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
32556.046803614 teaspoon [UK] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Teaspoon [UK] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
23458.90909098 teaspoon [US] |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Teaspoon [US] |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-10 teraliter |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Teraliter |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
0.000115627124073 thousand cubic metre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Thousand Cubic Metre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
1.15627124073E-13 trillion cubic metre |
Barrel [US, Dry] to Trillion Cubic Metre |
1 barrel [US, dry] = |
3909.8181818274 US fluid ounce |
Barrel [US, Dry] to US Fluid Ounce |